Another tour point are the excavated and renovated threshold cellars located on the opposite, Western side of the Market Square. The array of seven cellars offers further glass attractions. The interactive exhibition „Glass in Physics” presents the role of glass in optics and certain phenomena that can be demonstrated with glass tools. The modern means of presentation like LCD screens show old photographs that present the glass production in the first Krosno glassworks. We employ a steam projector that displays a holographic image of a show by Ksenia Simonowa, an artist who paint with sand on glass. The cellars also hold a cross section model of a glass furnace. One of the exhibitions, titled 'Wold brands produced in Krosno’, presents glass products made locally for renown international companies. They prove that the skill of local workers is appreciated by the best players on the international market. The last two cellars present unique works of art. The glass objects are different in their character and the techniques empolyed for their creation.
Discover the magical art of glassblowing!